from a dream to reality...
Cauldron Essentials started out as a small coven of witches learning self love and sharing potions. Fearing the wrath of the outside world criticism of their custom potion blends the sisterhood only traded within the coven. As the confidence of the coven grew and more bonds were created, sisterhood of witches decided to share their potions with the world.
Today the coven is stronger than ever and continues to brew to custom products to bring magic to everyday life. Cauldron Essentials mission is to brew products that are allergy friendly, cruelty-free, organic and fabulous!
In the brewing process, the coven strives to use only the best melting cauldrons and most organic ingredients.
This coven is a proud cruelty-free company. It has been centenaries since the usage of dead man's toes, frogs, spider and other litter critters were incorporated in any potions.
Cauldron Essentials is always exploring new spell books and avenues to accommodate all skin types.
Please contact the coven via pigeon-mail with any allergy concern and the sisterhood can help suggest a potion or brew that fits your needs.
Everyone should have self love and a little magic in everyday life.
Lets be honest, a little magic never hurt!